

[1] Muhammad Sakti Alvissalim, Masahiko Yasui, Chihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Immersive Virtual 3D Environment based on 499 fps Hand Gesture Interface, 2014 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (Jakarta, 2014.10.18)/Proceedings, pp.198-203 (Best Student Paper Award)

[2] Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Masahiko Yasui, M. Sakti Alvissalim, Masashi Takahashi, Yuka Tomiyama, Shiro Suyama, and Masatoshi Ishikawa. Floating Display Screen Formed by AIRR (Aerial Imaging by Retro-Refelection) for Interaction in 3D Space. International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D) 2014, Liège, Belgium.

[3] M. Sakti Alvissalim, Big Zaman, M. Iqbal Tawakal, Grafika Jati, Ahmad Hafizh Z, M. Nanda Kurniawan, Wisnu Jatmiko. Swarm Quadrotor Robots for Telecommunication Network Coverage Area Expansion in Disaster Area. Society of Instruments and Control Engineer (SICE) Annual Conference, Akita Japan 2012.


[4] Exvision Corporation, Takashi Komuro, Tomoaki Teshima, Alexis Zerroug, M Sakti Alvissalim. ジェスチャ認識装置およびジェスチャ認識プログラム (Gesture recognition apparatus and gesture recognition program) [JP,2018-124801,A]


[5] 日下部佑理,Muhammad Sakti Alvissalim,渡辺義浩,石川正俊:ウェアラブル高速ビジョンのための識別型指先トラッキング (High-speed fingertip tracking for wearable high-speed vision),第21回画像センシングシンポジウム/(SSII2015) (横浜,2015.6.12)/講演論文集,IS3-10.

[6] 安井雅彦,M. Sakti Alvissalim,山本裕紹,石川正俊:空中映像と高速3Dジェスチャー認識技術の統合による直感的操作可能なインタラクションシステム (Intuitive interactive system by integration of aerial image and high-speed 3D gesture recognition),第15回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2014)(東京,2014.12.17)/講演会論文集, pp.1404-1407 (2014)

JOURNAL (English)

[7] W. Jatmiko, F. Jovan, R.Y.S Dhiemas, Alvissalim M. Sakti, Fanany M. Ivan, A. Febrian, T. Fukuda, K. Sekiyama. Robots Implementation for Odor Source Localization Using PSO Algorithm. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS April 2011, Issue 4, Volume 10.

JOURNAL (English, Under Review 2018)

[8] Wisnu Jatmiko, Andry Sunandar, M Sakti Alvissalim, Muhammad I Tawakal, Muhammad F Rachmad, Muhammad A Ma’sum, Hanif A Wisesa, Toshio Fukuda. Development of Adaptive Fuzzy-Neuro Generalized Learning Vector Quantization using PI Membership Function(AFNGLVQ-PI). Fuzzy Sets and Systems.

JOURNAL (Japanese)

[9] 安井雅彦,M. Sakti Alvissalim,山本裕紹,石川正俊:空中映像と高速3Dジェスチャー認識技術の統合による低遅延な立体映像作業環境の実現 (Immersive 3D Environment by Floating Display and High-speed Gesture UI Integration) 計測自動制御学会論文集,Vol.52, No.3, (2016) [ Journal Extension of [6]]


[10] M. Sakti Alvissalim. 2010. Extraction and Evaluation of Features for Pulmonary Artery and Vein Classification. Guided Independent Study (GIS) Report , Nagoya University Program for Academic Exchange.


[11] Wisnu Jatmiko, Andreas Febrian, Ferdian Jovan, Muhammad Eka Suryana, Muhammad Sakti Alvisalim, Asep Insani. (2010) Swarm Robots for Odor Source Localization. (UI Press: Jakarta, ISBN:978-979-1421-08-9)