Category: Abdullah’s Robot

Building Head/Face Detection System <2. Code>

This post contains the implementation of the concepts described in previous post in Previously, we have defined the expectation of what a head/face detection neural network model may look like. In this post, we will go through the steps of implementing the model in PyTorch. It is assumed...

Building Head/Face Detection System <1. Concept>

This post is the first part of a collection of post described in This is a simple project that I want to build for my kid. In this post, we will learn how to build a face detection system using the PyTorch framework. Instead of taking of the...

Abdullah Tracker (Initial Idea)

I am looking for a fun project for entertaining my son. I have always wanted to make a simple interactive program for him to play with. I thought it would be a good motivation for him to love studying. One thing that comes to my mind is to create...